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This is a list of PAST events our pack has participated in.

If you want a list of upcoming events, that is here.

Blue and Gold/Crossover

Camp Greenough, Welcome Center, 227 Pine Street Yarmouth Port MA

Blue and Gold celebrates the anniversary of Scouts. Crossover honors those individuals crossing over from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. We are having a banquet for both for our February pack meeting.

Pinewood & Black Light Derby

Camp Greenought Dinning Hall - 227 Pine street Yarmouth MA

Start Time: 2:00 pm
End Time: Shooting for 4:00 pm - we may run late


Pinewood Derby - Class A Uniform

The running of the Pinewoods! 
We will also hold our first Black Light Derby following the standard race.

More info on each event:
Pinewood Derby Page
Black Light Derby Info Page

Service Project at the Brail and Sensory Trail

Johnny A. Kelley Recreation Area - 80 Old Bass River Rd, South Dennis, MA 02660

Johnny Kelley Recreation AreaThe Town of Dennis Advisory Committee on Disabilities has asked the scouts to help with a service project at the Brail and Sensory Trail at Johnny Kelley Park. We will be assisting with beautifying a specific area with a plaque and an accessible picnic table, so that it will be ready for a dedication ceremony. Class B uniforms please, rain date 11/17.

Wicked Cool Autumn Welcome (Council Hosted Event)

Camp Greenough - 227 pine Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

WCAW 2023Registration with the council office is required for this event; you do that here.

Fun Fall Activities for Everyone. $20 per child includes pumpkin, wood project, science cafe and all other activities.

Bring the whole family to this phenomenal fall festival of fun! Pumpkin carving, wagon rides, and other outdoor activities fill the afternoon. Each child gets a pumpkin to carve and take home as well as a souvenir patch.

Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA - 2024

Camp Greenough, 227 Main Street, Yarmouth Port MA






(Council Event)

Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community.

The Barnstable Amature Radio Club will be sponsoring a Jamboree on the Air location at Camp Greenough

The first 50 participants at Camp Greenough will receive the special event patch

FREE and open to everyoneradio

Chuck Wagon Derby

Camp Greenough, 227 Pine Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

Chuckwagon DerbyStart your space adventure at morning check-in and follow it through each of our Space Station activities. Don't forget to decorate your wagon for a parade and judging at the end of the day.

Open to all Cub Scout units and families. 

This is a single-day event, but Pack 59 usually camps from Friday to Sunday during this event.  That is listed as the "Chuckwagon Campout".

Chuckwagon Campout

Camp Greenough, 227 Pine Street

CampingOvernight camping trip for the chuckwagon Derby Weekend.

More details as event date get closer.


Camp Greenough Beaver Day

Camp Greenough, 227 Pine Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

Beaver DayBeaver Day is a Council-wide event where we improve/maintain the camp with service projects. 
Out Pack usually will be camping the Friday-Sunday during this event.

Beaver Day Canping Weekend

Camp Greenoug

CampingOvernight camping trip for the Beaver Day Weekend.

Due to the weather forecast, we have CANCELED camping on Friday evening.  We will evaluate camping from Saturday evening to Sunday, but the forecast does not look promising. 



Saturday lunch will be provided as part of Beaver Day. Plan on bringing whatever you want to eat on Saturday Evening and Sunday morning.





  • 09:00 Saturday - Arrive at the Nauset Campsite (right-hand side of the main camp parking lot) as you enter the camp.
  • Saturday will be spent cleaning up the Nauset campsite and areas around the Welcome Center.  Tanks will include brush clean-up, burning, spreading woodchips, and fire ring dress-up.
  • Evening - Dinner and campfire


  • Activities TBD based on weather...

Snore & Roar Overnight (Ages 7+)

Roger Williams Park Zoo, 1000 Elmwood Avenue Providence, Rhode Island 02907

Snore and Roar******************************************************


Snore and Roar at the Roger Williams Zoo is Back! Here is some information. We need 25 total people going including scouts, siblings, parents, leaders.

Experience Roger Williams Park Zoo like so few have – after dark! Any group of 25 or more can attend our overnight program that includes fun activities, face-to-face interaction with education animals, guided tours of the Zoo, and more!

Pricing: $75 per person, if you would like to use your subsidy (received if you sold popcorn this year) please let me know.

Participants must be at least 7 years of age and one chaperone over the age of 18 is required.

Programs begin promptly at 6 pm and end at approximately *9:30 AM the following morning. *Overnights booked during February-March and Columbus Day-November will conclude at 10 am. We are able to tour the zoo at our leisure until 4PM.

Booking groups must have a minimum of 25 participants and keep to a maximum of 35.

Camping 101

Camp Greenough - 227 Pine Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 - Maushop Logde (at main parking lot)

camping 101


This is an INDOOR camping trip focused on getting newer scouts and parents introduced to camping and providing training on equipment and what to expect. 
Being indoors, this is a rain-or-shine event. 
If the temperature exceeds 32F, you and your scout may camp outside in a tent. (optional)

Accommodations for this event:
We will utilize the Maushop Lodge building, which has heat and indoor sleeping areas.  Sleeping will be on cots in several rooms.  (you will not get your own room)

What to bring:
Bring whatever you will bring on a "normal" camping trip.  This includes your tent and any other items you want to set up.  This is your chance to practice setting up any new gear you get.

We will be cooking as a Pack; meals will be discussed during the meeting prior to the event.  Bring any snacks or individual items you would personally like.



Pinewood & Black Light Derby

227 Pine Street Yarmouth MA
Location Change

The Derby will be held at Camp Greenough in the dinning Hall.



Pinewood Derby - Class A Uniform

The running of the Pinewoods! 
We will also hold our first Black Light Derby following the standard race.

More info on each event:
Pinewood Derby Page
Black Light Derby Info Page

Wicked Cool Autumn Welcome

Camp Greenough, 227 Pine Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

WCAW 2023Registration with the council office is required for this event; you do that here.

Fun Fall Activities for Everyone. $15 per child includes pumpkin, wood project, science cafe and all other activities.

Bring the whole family to this phenomenal fall festival of fun! Pumpkin carving, wagon rides, and other outdoor activities fill the afternoon. Each child gets a pumpkin to carve and take home as well as a souvenir patch.


Camp Greenough, 227 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675



Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. This jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby amateur radio operator’s ham shack. Many times you can find the hams will come to you by setting up a station at your Scout camporee, at the park down the block, or perhaps at a ham shack already set up at your council’s camp.

Cost: FREE

Pinewood Derby

First Congregational Church

PinewoodPack 59's Pinewood Derby

Halloween Costume Pack Meeting Night

First Congregational Church, 329 MA-6A, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

This Pack Meeting, we will be sporting full Halloween Costumes!

Wicked Cool Autumn Welcome & Science Cafe

Camp Greenough, 227 Pine Street, Yarmouthport, MA 02675

(Council Event)
Registration on the council site is REQUIRED.

$15 per child for an afternoon of fun fall activities!

Enjoy pumpkin carving, building a wood project to take home, fishing, BB shooting, and visiting our Science Cafe' (provided by the Northeast Section of the American Chemical Society).

All child must be accompanied by an adult and we ask that you keep your pets at home. Rain or shine, the fun will be happening. Advance registrations are recommended to guarantee supply availability.

WCAW - Camping Weekend

Camp Greenough, 227 Pine Street, Yarmouthport, MA 02675 - CAMPSITE = Kickapoo

Family Camping Weekend for WCAW!
Please RSVP. We have requested the normal site we use, Kickapoo.

Optionally the Wicked Cool Autumn Welcome & Science Cafe is happening this Saturday.  (Registration required)


JOTA - Jamboree on the Air

Camp Greenough, 227 Pine St Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 (At Pavilion)

(Council Event)

The Barnstable Amature Radio Club will be sponsoring a Jamboree on the Air location at Camp Greenough

Talk to Scouts across the US and from around the world in this international Radio based event.

The first 50 participants at Camp Greenough will receive the special event patch

FREE, and open to everyoneradio

2nd Annual Fishing Derby

Wings Grove Beach, 117-125 Indian Memorial Dr, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ​

Please join us for our 2nd Annual Fishing Derby! Fishing Derby

We will have a cookout after as well. Awards will be given for Longest Fish, Heaviest Fish, and Small Fry! Please RSVP so that we know who to expect for food, certificates, bait, patches, etc.! The Pack will purchase the bait so that fishing is fair, and we will also purchase the food for the cookout. Class B Uniform!

NOTE: This will take the place of the weekly den meeting.